Dietmar Knoll
FTP Directory
- Once, I wanted to list all servers that support the Amiga. Feel free to
me any information you would like to see here.
- The numbers behind the server's name tell you the month in which
the link has been tested for the last time. (+ fast server, - slow server)
- Most FTP sites limit the number of sessions at the same time! Please use the server next to you!
Archives -
America -
Europe -
Germany -
What is FD-Software?
- Amiga Magazin - Disks (Amiga Magazin, Germany)
Aminet: /misc/amag (since 1994, incomplete!)
- Aminet (Washington University Archive, St. Louis, Missouri, USA)
- Amok - Disks (Amiga Modula & Oberon Klub, Stuttgart, Germany)
Germany: Erlangen (1-106), Stuttgart (Home Server, 1-117)
- Fish - Disks (Fred Fish, USA, until Disk 1000)
Finland: Funet (1-999)
Germany: Erlangen (500-699/770-1000)
- Saar - Disks (Saar Amiga User Group (S.A.U.G.) e.V., Germany)
Germany: Bremen (recent collection)
Archives -
America -
Europe -
Germany -
What is FD-Software?
United States of America
Archives -
America -
Europe -
Germany -
What is FD-Software?
- Funet Archive
[FTP Server] (2006-04)+
(Finnish Academic and Research Network at the Finnish State Computing Centre, Espoo, near Helsinki)
- A\box - Mirror
- Fish - Disks (1-999)
Germany: see below
United Kingdom
Archives -
America -
Europe -
Germany -
What is FD-Software?
- Berlin FTP Server (2006-04)+
- Bremen FTP Server (2006-04)
- Aminet - Mirror
[FTP Server] (90 days mirror, latest files: 2005-07-14)
older stuff:
- Amiga Magazin - Disks (09-11/94)
- comm/Term
- gnu/GCC
- gnu/GNUemacs
- Saar - Disks (801-810, 812-820)
- INDEX (X11, SGMLS,...)
- Erlangen (2006-04)
- Mainz FTP Server (03/00)
- Paderborn
P Server] (05/02)+
- Regensburg FTP Server (03/99)+
- Stuttgart FTP Server (2006-04)+
- Amok - Disks (1-105) - Home Server!
- Trier FTP Server (03/00)+
- Würzburg FTP Server (2006-04)+
Archives -
America -
Europe -
Germany -
What is FD-Software?
Projects -
Hardware -
Software -
Amiga FTP Directory -
Amiga History -
Design Evolution -
Web References
Computer Lab -
Multimedia Livingroom
© Dietmar Knoll
1996-08-15, latest change: 2006-04-11