The following list shows all files, that are installed with Update1 for AmigaOSXL.
The comments show that most files were already installed on the Big-Tower.
Die folgende Liste zeigt alle Dateien, die mit dem Update1 für AmigaOSXL installiert werden.
Die Kommentare zeigen, dass die meisten Dateien bereits auf dem Big-Tower installiert waren.
Filename Size Prot. Bits Date Time Version (Old Version) [Comment] Dateiname Größe Schutzbits Datum Uhrzeit Version (Alte Version) [Kommentar] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Directory "C/AMIthlonC" AmithlonSetup 2876 ----rwed 23-Nov-01 12:15:10 V 1.25 (V 1.25) [old/alt] 1 file - 4 blocks used Directory "Classes/Datatypes" sound.datatype 15512 ----rwed 18-Okt-01 21:07:08 V44.25 (V44.25) [old/alt = BoingBag2] 1 file - 17 blocks used Directory "Classes/Gadgets" listbrowser.gadget 44540 ----rwed 16-Dez-01 13:32:12 V45.10 (V45.10) [old/alt < BoingBag2] 1 file - 45 blocks used Directory "Devs" ahi.device 60060 ----rwed 14-Dez-01 13:11:40 V 5.19 (V 5.19) [old/alt] Picasso96Settings 1408 ----rwed 05-Okt-01 18:02:36 V 1.1 (V 1.1) [old/alt] 2 files - 69 blocks used Directory "Devs/AHI" 6140 ----rwed 27-Nov-01 15:13:46 V 4.4 (V 4.4) [old/alt: bugfix, requires ahi.device V5.19] 5200 ----rwed 02-Okt-01 19:07:48 V 4.2 (V 4.2) [old/alt: kept newer one: V4.2 Size 5212 FileDate 15.10.2001] 2 files - 14 blocks used Directory "Devs/Keymaps" d_pc 1440 ----rwed 16-Jan-02 13:07:14 (1340 bytes) [update: Euro sign/Euro-Zeichen] 5955 ----rwed 18-Okt-01 10:47:20 [old/alt] gb_pc 1336 ----rwed 26-Nov-01 19:20:08 [old/alt] 5955 ----rwed 18-Okt-01 10:47:20 [old/alt] us_pc 1000 ----rwed 31-Okt-01 10:40:12 [old/alt] 5955 ----rwed 12-Okt-01 05:02:54 [old/alt] 6 files - 29 blocks used Directory "Devs/Monitors" powerfb 2720 ----rwed 28-Mai-99 06:10:02 V40.42 (V40.42) [old/alt] 6783 ----rwed 23-Nov-01 12:41:22 [old/alt] 2 files - 12 blocks used Directory "Libs" Picasso96API.library 24520 ----rwed 17-Okt-01 19:37:10 V 2.310 (V 2.300) [update] vmcresource.library 22776 ----rwed 03-Sep-01 23:56:06 V 3.89 (V 3.89) [old/alt: was omitted in AOSXL installation] 2 files - 51 blocks used Directory "Libs/Picasso96" 3dfxVoodoo.chip 15724 ----rwed 17-Aug-01 22:32:14 V 6.386 (V 6.386) [old/alt] Altais.card 4128 ----rwed 17-Aug-99 11:12:28 V 6.114 (V 6.114) [old/alt] CirrusGD542X.chip 12340 ----rwed 03-Sep-99 00:52:12 V 6.703 (V 6.703) [old/alt] CirrusGD5434.chip 14060 ----rwed 03-Sep-99 00:31:52 V 6.131 (V 6.131) [old/alt] CirrusGD5446.chip 14876 ----rwed 03-Sep-99 00:33:14 V 6.550 (V 6.550) [old/alt] CVision3D.card 4980 ----rwed 19-Sep-99 23:00:50 V 6.281 (V 6.281) [old/alt] CyberVision.card 3288 ----rwed 17-Aug-99 11:12:30 V 6.124 (V 6.124) [old/alt] Domino.card 912 ----rwed 04-Apr-99 23:04:18 V 6.67 (V 6.67) [old/alt] emulation.library 39652 ----rwed 17-Okt-01 19:39:22 V40.395 (V40.389) [update] fastlayers.library 1460 ----rwed 16-Mär-98 00:15:08 V40.48 (V40.48) [old/alt] Graffity.card 1236 ----rwed 03-Sep-99 00:46:38 V 6.117 (V 6.117) [old/alt] Merlin.card 3384 ----rwed 04-Apr-99 23:04:20 V 6.180 (V 6.180) [old/alt] NCR77C32BLT.chip 7804 ----rwed 31-Aug-99 18:19:24 V 6.279 (V 6.279) [old/alt] oMniBus.card 1440 ----rwed 04-Apr-99 23:04:22 V 6.80 (V 6.80) [old/alt] PicassoII.card 1728 ----rwed 16-Nov-99 12:39:42 V 6.148 (V 6.148) [old/alt] PicassoIV.card 20476 ----rwed 06-Sep-99 19:39:56 V 6.1093 (V 6.1093) [old/alt] Piccolo.card 1456 ----rwed 03-Sep-99 00:45:22 V 6.114 (V 6.114) [old/alt] PiccoloSD64.card 1420 ----rwed 03-Sep-99 00:47:12 V 6.118 (V 6.118) [old/alt] Pixel64.card 900 ----rwed 03-Sep-99 00:48:54 V 6.29 (V 6.29) [old/alt] powerfb.card 2448 ----rwed 15-Okt-01 22:58:50 V 1.16 (V 1.16) [old/alt] Prometheus.card 1260 ----rwed 12-Jul-01 19:08:08 V 6.63 (V 6.63) [old/alt] RetinaBLT.card 4128 ----rwed 17-Aug-99 11:12:36 V 6.114 (V 6.114) [old/alt] rtg.library 218148 ----rwed 27-Apr-01 15:51:32 V40.3992 (V40.3992) [old/alt] S3Trio64.chip 9396 ----rwed 17-Aug-99 11:12:52 V 6.534 (V 6.534) [old/alt] S3ViRGE.chip 17516 ----rwed 13-Sep-99 08:25:18 V 6.430 (V 6.430) [old/alt] Spectrum.card 1460 ----rwed 03-Sep-99 00:46:00 V 6.121 (V 6.121) [old/alt] TsengET4000.chip 4408 ----rwed 17-Aug-99 11:12:48 V 6.108 (V 6.108) [old/alt] TsengET4000W32.chip 9532 ----rwed 27-Aug-99 05:12:02 V 6.362 (V 6.362) [old/alt] uaegfx.card 1704 ----rwed 05-Aug-01 07:43:36 V 0.95 - [new/neu] 29 files - 457 blocks used Directory "Locale/Flags/Keymaps" d_pc 512 ----rwed 29-Nov-00 12:29:22 [old/alt] gb_pc 570 ----rwed 26-Nov-01 19:20:24 [old/alt] us_pc 554 ----rwed 29-Nov-00 12:29:22 [old/alt] 3 files - 6 blocks used Directory "Prefs" Picasso96Mode 66636 ----rwed 03-Jun-01 20:43:10 V 1.560 (V 1.560) [old/alt] 1 file - 69 blocks used Directory "Prefs/Env-Archive/classes/datatypes/sound" ahi 1 ----rwed 02-Jan-02 13:30:34 [old/alt] 1 file - 2 blocks used Directory "S/amithlon_patches" patch1_compemu_fpp.o 10164 ----rwed 20-Nov-01 06:36:52 [old/alt] patch1_right_ctrl.o 1480 ----rwed 20-Nov-01 06:36:52 [old/alt] patch1_shifting.o 1708 ----rwed 20-Nov-01 06:36:52 [old/alt] patch1_vec.o 10868 ----rwed 07-Dez-01 10:44:00 [old/alt] patch2_mouse.o 4336 ----rwed 20-Nov-01 06:36:52 [old/alt] 5 files - 35 blocks used Directory "Tools" HDToolBox 96596 ----rwed 05-Feb-02 14:11:54 V45.5 (V45.2) [update < BoingBag2] 1 file - 96 blocks used TOTAL: 57 files - 22 directories - 942 blocks used