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Dietmar Knoll: Curriculum Vitae

me around 1994

February 28, 1970
Birth in Göttingen

Primary School: Erich-Kästner-Schule in Göttingen-Grone

Comprehensive School: Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg-Gesamtschule in Göttingen-Geismar

"Orientation Stage": Orientierungsstufe Leinebergschule in Göttingen-Leineberg

Gymnasium: Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium Göttingen

May 1989
Final High-School examination

May 29 until August 31, 1989
Emergency hand: 4P Rube GmbH in Göttingen

October 2, 1989 until September 30, 1990
Military service

October 1, 1990
Starting study of physics at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

October 22, 1992
Intermediate examination in physics

November 1, 1994 until September 30, 1996
Student help at the First Institute of Physics (Low Temperature Physics)

December 1, 1994 until May 30, 1995
Practical course for diploma at the First Institute of Physics (Low Temperature Physics)

January 1, 1995 until January 15, 1997
Maintainer of the World Wide Web Homepage - First Institute of Physics (Low Temperature Physics)

June 1, 1995 until May 22, 1996
Making of diploma thesis: "Magnetfeldabhängige Messungen der spezifischen Wärme von TmNi2B2C"

June 28, 1996
Diploma for physics

November 10, 1997 until November 30, 2001
Employee of Lambda Physik AG in Göttingen

Further Knowledge and Capacities:

  • Programming Languages:
    • Assembler:
      • some 6502/6510-Assembler
    • Script Languages:
      • AmigaDOS 1.3 / 3.0 / 3.1 / 3.9, AmigaGuide®, ARexx, HTML 2.0 / 3.2 / 4.01, JavaScript
    • Higher Level Languages:
      • BASIC (CBM-BASIC V2, AmigaBASIC), C, Logo, Pascal
  • Operating Systems:
    Experiences in AmigaOS, CBM-Basic V2 (C64), MS-DOS/Windows 3.x/Windows 9x, Unix

  • Internet Services:
    Telnet, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), World Wide Web (WWW), Talk, E-Mail

  • elementary knowledge in hardware & electronics

  • How about my English?

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© Dietmar Knoll (E-Mail) 1996-08-05, latest change: 2004-12-07 Valid HTML 4.01!